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sábado, julio 17, 2004


Fever Skies
by Chan Marshall  i

in the beginning there wasn't much.
everything in half.
half of thisand half of that. to combine,
to adjoin.
when time got later all began it's seeking.
seeking to separate.
seeking forseparation.
half want to eat,
half like to hunt. half like to play,
half want to think.
to confuse, to adjust.
after the fever skies all the half were dead.
after the fever skies all the half were eating.
dinosaurs and friends alike.
to exist, to exit.
then what was it, how you say, cold as hell.
how you say,
ha ha ha. 

i "Canta lento cuando cantes mi canción"

i "Cat Power es el nick de Chan Marshall, una mujer nacida en Atlanta..."


n1m10 at 23:45


foro | links | archivos
  • junio 2004
  • julio 2004

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